Seize the Moment
The rugged structure is designed to withstand a maximum recoil of over 6,000 joules, perfect for a variety of rifle with calibers of 12 gauge, 9.3×64, .375H&H, etc.
Alle modeller vedtager 12μm detektor, op til 640 × 512 opløsning, detektor følsomhed under 30mk, selv i kraftig regn, tåge eller koldt barsk miljø, kan perfekt præsentere detaljer, klart observere målfunktionsdetaljerne.
The Chiron series has a rotary knob design to help you quickly operate the menu for a more convenient and fast operating experience.
Hunting is all about “The moment,” so there must be no error between what you see on your device‘s display and where your target actually is. PIPS( Pixfra Imaging Processing Solution ) allows image latency of less than 20ms, compared to 60ms with conventional image solutions, which will help you to accurately aim at the target.
Chiron supports Recoil Activated Recording (RAR), it automatically records key moments as you shoot, so you don’t miss any of the highlights. With the Pixfra APP, you can also quickly share videos with your friends.
Nové uživatelské rozhraní je jednoduché a krásné, pohodlné a snadno použitelné. Podpora více produktů v rámci Pixfra.Nové uživatelské rozhraní je jednoduché a krásné, pohodlné a snadno použitelné.